Since 08/2023
Research associate at the Sigmund-Freud-Institute in the project “Attachment Trauma in Adopted and Foster Children: A Psychoanalytic Therapy Study (BAPAS)” headed by Prof. Dr. Meurs
Since 04/2023
Research associate at the Sigmund Freud Institute in the project „Transitional spaces of (further) arrival (ÜWA)“ headed by Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Degree M.Sc. Psychology at Gutenberg University Mainz
01/2022 to 03/2023
Research associate at the Sigmund Freud Institute in the project „Intermediate spaces of arrival“ headed by Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Degree B.Sc. Psychology at Gutenberg University Mainz
2017 to 2021
Scientific assistant in the field of Child and Family Psychosomatics at the University Hospital Gießen in the project „Jugend im Risiko“ under the direction of Prof. Dr. Burkhard Brosig
Degree M.A. Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt
WS 2015 / 2016
Student assistant at the chair for qualitative social research at Goethe University in Frankfurt
Degree B.A. Sociology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt
Research interests
- Qualitative social research
- Migration and flight
- Mental health and stress in professional qualification
- Psychosocial care in vocational orientation
Research projects
BAPAS – Attachment Trauma in Adoptive and Foster Children – A Psychoanalytic Therapy Study
Senior Scientist: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Function: Research Associate
Funding: IDeA
Duration: 07/21 – 12/24
Transitional Spaces of Arrival (ÜWA)
Follow-up project to ZA and VTI
Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Funkton Research Associate
Funded by: Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration
Duration: 04/23 – 12/25
Intervals of arrival – Zwischenräume des Ankommens (ZA-Projekt)
Follow-up project to ‚Loss, trauma and integration Accompanying research on the four centers of psychosocial care for refugees in Hesse‘
Direction: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Function: Research Associate
Funding: Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration
Duration: 01/20 – 03/23
Project „Jugend im Risiko“
– cooperation project between the Child and Family Psychosomatic Department of the University Hospital Gießen and the Jugendwerkstatt Gießen GmbH
Project management: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Brosig
Function: Research assistant
Funding: Europäischer Sozialfonds
Project duration: since 2013
Lecture “Refugee Children at School – Empirical Insights into Migration and Refugee Research at the Sigmund Freud Institute”, as part of the IDeA Center Conference in Bad Homburg, September 26th, 2024
Lecture “Psychodynamic work with attachment-traumatized foster and adoptive children” as part of the 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society from September 16th to 19th, 2024 at the University of Vienna
„Restricted by measures against the coronavirus? Difficulties at the Transition from school to work in times of a pandemic”
As part of the online workshop „Ethics, children, education and the COVID-19 pandemic“, from September 28th to 29th, 2021, organized by the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research of the University of Salzburg
Meurs, P., Ziegler, P., Schäfer, D. (2023): Radikalisierung islamischer Jugendlicher in psychoanalytischer Perspektive. Jugendhilfe, 96-99.
Meurs, P., Poholski, C., Ziegler, P., Schäfer, D., Ghassan, D. & Zokai, R. (2023): Zur Gestalt psycho-therapeutischer Beziehungen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen während der Ankommensphase nach der Flucht. In:Traxl, B. (Hrsg.): Psychoanalyse outside the box (S. 15-40). Gießen: Brandes & Apsel.
Botschek, T., Monninger, M., Schäfer, D., Cevik, R., Memis, K., Müller, U., Monninger, M. & Brosig, B. (2023): Evaluation of multidimensional pediatric-psychosomatic inpatient therapy: a pilot study comparing two treatment modalities. Front. Psychol. 14:1022409. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1022409
Möhring, J., Schäfer, D., Huth, M., Brosig, B. (2023): Restricted by measures against the coronavirus? Difficulties at the transition from school to work in times of a pandemic. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 42, 83-99.
Schäfer, D., Möhring J. V., & Brosig, B. (2022): Psychosomatische Belastungen in der beruflichen Qualifizierung – eine projektbegleitende Studie. Forum Sozialarbeit + Gesundheit, 4, 50-53.
Meurs, P., Jensen, A., Kuhn, M. M., Arnold, S., Zokai, R., Lohl, J., Ghassan, D., Schäfer, D., & Stumpfögger, N. (2022): Im Dickicht des Ankommens. Einblicke in die psychosoziale Begleitung von Geflüchteten. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
Möhring, J., Schäfer, D., Brosig, B. (2021): Risky Transitions. Vocational Development between Traumatic Biography and the Search for Identity. Advances in Applied Sociology, 11, 669-694. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2021.1112056.
Schäfer D., Möhring J. V., Brosig B. (2020): Hilfen zwischen Schule und Beruf. Eine Evaluation der Bewältigung psychischer Problemlagen. Forum Sozialarbeit + Gesundheit 4: 25-28.