M.A. Dilan Çınar



since 2023 research associate at Sigmund-Freud-Institute

since 2022 external lecturer at the department of Educational Science (Institute of Social Pedagogy and Adult Education), Goethe University, Frankfurt

since 2021 child and youth psychotherapist in training at the psychotherapeutic outpatient unit of Wiesbaden Academy for psychotherapy

2020 – 2021: clinical year (II) as a child and youth psychotherapist in training at the Institute for Trauma Treatment and Further Education in Frankfurt

2019 – 2020: clincal year (I) as a child and youth psychotherapist in training at the child and youth psychiatry in Aschaffenburg-Alzenau

since 2019 in training as a child and youth psychotherapist at the Wiesbaden Academy for psychotherapy

2016 – 2021 research associate at the department of Educational Science (Institute of Social Pedagogy and Adult Education), Goethe University, Frankfurt

2014 – 2016 research assistant at the department of Educational Science (Institute of Social Pedagogy and Adult Education), Goethe University, Frankfurt

2016 M.A. in Educational Science, Goethe University, Frankfurt

2013 B.A. in Educational Science, Goethe University, Frankfurt

Research interests

  • Child Well-Being
  • Migration and flight
  • Poverty, justice, and social inequality
  • Qualitative child-, youth- and family research
  • Quantitative education research

Research projects

BAPAS – Attachment Trauma in Adoptive and Foster Children – A Psychoanalytic Therapy Study
Direction:  Dr. Constanze Rickmeyer
Senior Scientist: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Function: Research Associate
Funding: IDeA
Duration: 07/21 – 10/24

Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees
Cooperation Partners: AFI, ERV, FATRA, FPI
Direction: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Funding: Hessian Ministry for Labor, Integration, Youth and Social Affairs
Duration: 01/2018–12/2025

„Families beyond social norms. Everday life, needs, interests and rights of multi-child families.“ Goethe University Frankfurt with funding and cooperation with: Bertelsmann Foundation

„Education participation and education chances at the transition from primary to secondary schools. Survey of children at the end of 4th grade, their parents and their class teacher.“ Goethe University Frankfurt with funding and cooperation with: Department for Social Work, Wiesbaden.

„Children’s Worlds +: a study on the needs of children and youth in Germany.“ Goethe University Frankfurt with funding and cooperation with: Bertelsmann Foundation & Jacobs Foundation.

„4th World Vision Child Study“: About the perspective of children between the age of 6 to 11 in regard to their living conditions, attitudes and perceptions: „What’s going on in our world?“ Goethe University Frankfurt with funding and cooperation with: World Vison e.V.


Andresen, S., Dietz, T. & D. Çinar (2022): Mehrkindfamilien gerecht werden. Bedarfe im Alltag von Familien mit drei und mehr Kindern. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Kuhn, M., Çınar, D. & Andresen, S. (2018): Die qualitative Kinderstudie. In World Vision e.V. (Hrsg.): Die 4. World Vision Kinderstudie, Kinder in Deutschland- Was ist los in unserer Welt?


Çınar, D. & Wilmes, J. (2018). Kindheit zwischen Mangelerfahrung und Wohlstand. Kinder und Jugendliche sprechen über Bedingungen guten Aufwachsens. Niedersächsischer Kinderschutzkongress 2018 – Kinderschutz im Spannungsfeld neuer Herausforderungen, Hannover.

Çınar, D. & Wilmes, J. (2017). Das Wohlbefinden von Kindern und seine Relevanz für Kindertageseinrichtungen und Schule. Ein empirischer Blick auf Ressourcen, Konzepte und Haltungen. Präsentation auf der 40- Jahr Feier an der 1. IFZ e.V.-Fachtagung.

Çınar, D. (2016). What does it mean to be a child in Germany? Präsentation auf der 6. Konferenz der International Society for Child Indicators an der McGill University in Montréal, Kanada.
