M.A. Sima Saligheh


Since 2023
Licensed Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

Seit 2022
Project Coordinator at Sigmund-Freud-Institute Frankfurt, Practice Project: Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Support for Refugees

Since 2018
Research assistant at the Sigmund-Freud-Institute

Clinical psychologist at the Vitos psychiatric hospital in Riedstadt – Goddelau

Since 2017
Psychologist at Lernportal – an Institution for educational support

2014 ‒ 2016
Master of Arts in Psychology at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin

Internship: FIRST STEPS – An Integration Project for Children with an Immigrant Background

Clinical Internship at Wuhan Hospital for Psychotherapy in China

2011 ‒ 2014
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin

Research interests

  • Migration and flight
  • Medical and psychosocial treatment for refugees Psychotherapy research: Anxiety Study for Children (ASC Study)

Research projects

Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Support for Refugees
Project lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
In Corporation with Frankfurt psychoanalytic Institution, Anna-Freud-Institution, Frankfurt task force for Trauma and Exile-Association, evangelical regional federation
Since December 2017
Project funded by the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration

Anxiety Study for Children (ASC Study)
2014 – 2018 / Project lead: Prof. Dr. Annette Streeck-Fischer
In cooperation with the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, the University Medical Centre Göttingen and the University Hospital Heidelberg
Financed by the Association of Analytical Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists in Germany (VAKJP) and the Foundation to Promote University Psychoanalysis
Master Thesis: Used data source from the ASC Study

Moderation and organization

Since 2021
Hosting and organization of the annual conference „Meine Arbeit und ich – Ich und meine Arbeit“

(in cooperation with Stefanie Kurth) Transference and Countertransference in the Process of counseling with refugees. Workshop within the conference „Meine Arbeit und Ich – Ich und meine Arbeit. Reflexion (in) der Arbeit mit Geflüchteten“ at the Sigmund-Freud-Institute, Frankfurt am Main.

Moderation and organization of the „Psychosewerkstatt ‒ Trialogue between individuals with psychosis, relatives and practitioners“, Vitos psychiatric hospital in Riedstadt ‒ Goddelau


Winner of the „IPA in the Community and the World Awards“ 2023 in the category „Violence“ for the SFI project: Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Support for Refugeeses“