Gender-Typical Adolescent Presentations of Self and Body in Social Media

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Vera King, Dr. Susanne Benzel (SFI)

Assisted by: Simone Rassmann, student assistants Jana Kim and Arthur Polunin and the interns Tamara Schwertel und Laila Hamdi

Funded by: Equal Opportunities Office of Goethe University Frankfurt and Dean’s office of the department of Social Sciences. Funding line ‘Small Gender Projects’ for the promotion of young researchers

Duration: 10/2017 04/2018.

The study aimed at scrutinizing adolescents’ gendered presentations of self and body in social media. Of special interest was, first, the tension between the extension and normalization of communication processes in the course of digitization, and, second, youths’ perspectives on the relations of online and offline presentations of self and body. Research questions were: How do male and female adolescents present themselves in social media and what kind of visualization strategies do they use? How are visualization and presentation practices connected to dynamics of recognition? How are adolescence-specific development issues dealt with?

King, V. (2016): ‚If you show your real face, you’ll lose 10 000 followers‘: The gaze of the other and transformations of shame in digitalized relationships. CM: Communication and Media, 11(38), 71-90.

King, V. (2018): Geteilte Aufmerksamkeit. Kultureller Wandel und psychische Entwicklung in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. Psyche – Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, 72 (8), 640-665.