Ph. D. phil. with a thesis on the subject body optimization (summa cum laude)
Since 2018
Research Associate at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Psychoanalytic Social Psychology
Since 2016
Research Associate at Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt/Main
2012 – 2016
Research Associate at University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education, Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education (Project: Aporias of Perfection in Accelerated Societies); additionally lecturer
2008 – 2012
Student Assistant in various research projects at the Institute of Sociology, the Institute of Education and Culture and the Institute of Educational Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Master (Magister) degree in Sociology, Educational Science and Law at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Research interests
- Life phases and transitions in the context of social change
- (Self-)optimization and quantification in late modernity
- Body & gender
- Qualitative social research, biography research
Research projects
Biographical ‚optimization‘ of parenting through reproductive medicine. Changes in family planning and gender meanings
Duration: 10/2020 ‒ 12/2021
Funding: Equal Opportunities Office of Goethe University Frankfurt and Deanery of Department 03, Funding line ‚Small Gender Projects‘ for the promotion of young researchers
Direction: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe University & SFI), Dr. Julia Schreiber (Goethe University & SFI)
The Quantified Life. Productive and Counterproductive Consequences of Quantification in the Digitally Optimizing Society
Duration: 02/2018 – 07/2025
Funding: Volkswagen Foundation, initiative “key topics in science and society”
Direction: Prof. Dr. Vera King (speaker, Frankfurt/Main), Prof. Dr. Benigna Gerisch (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa (Jena)
Aporias of Perfection in Accelerated Societies. Current cultural change in self concepts, relationship patterns and body practices (APAS)
Duration: 12/2012 – 04/2018
Funding: Volkswagen Foundation, initiative “key topics in science and society”
Direction: Prof. Dr. Vera King (speaker, Frankfurt/Main), Prof. Dr. Benigna Gerisch (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa (Jena)
Homepage: https://www.apas.uni-hamburg.de/en.html
Memberships and functions
Member of the scientific network Being young – growing older: temporalities in transition, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)