Psychodynamic therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder PDT-OCD


Disease pattern

People suffering from symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder experience unwanted thoughts and/or feel the urgent need of performing certain acts. Obsessive washing, organizing and counting as well as the need to repeatedly check appliances, water faucets or the front door lock are typical examples.

These compulsions are usually associated with a great amount of suffering, since they repeatedly impose on the patient and if not followed causing intense feelings of anxiety.

What is our study about?

Existing treatments used in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have a low effectiveness. We have therefore developed a new form of psychotherapy that is specifically designed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (psychodynamic therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder, PDT-OCD).

With the PDT-OCD study we are investigating the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders in Germany.
For this purpose a two-group control study will be executed comparing a treatment group with a waitlist group. Group one patients with OCD will receive the PDT-OCD treatment immediately. The control group patients with OCD will be placed initially on a waiting list and will receive the same treatment six month after the start of the study, having the opportunity to stay in touch by telephone throughout the waiting period.
To obtain comparable results, we are looking for patients who are willing to be assign to one of the two groups by chance, answer questionnaires and talk about the therapy to gather data about results and the course of the treatment.

The therapy sessions are carried out individually with up to 24 sessions.


Who can participate?

 If you are.

  • between 18 and 65 years old
  • suffering from obsessive thoughts and/or acts that impose on you and reduce your livability
  • willing to answer questionnaires and to talk about the therapy in addition to the treatment
  • willing to be randomly assigned to one of the two conditions (waiting or treatment condition)

… you can contact the study center, which is closest to your place of residence.

Within a short time, a contact person of the study will get in touch with you (see `Contact ‚). An initial interview will serve to verify diagnosis of OCD. You will receive detailed information on the PDT-OCD study. After that, you can decide whether you would like to participate.
Of course, you can revoke your participation in the study at any time without incurring disadvantages. Your therapist and all researchers involved are strictly confidential. Your privacy is ensured at any time.


Where can I get information?

Treatment Center Frankfurt
Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart

Project leaders
Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß, Robert Bosch Hospital / Sigmund Freud Institute
Dr. phil. Lorena Asseburg, Sigmund Freud Institute
M.Sc. Psych. Annabelle Starck, Sigmund Freud Institute
Dr. Phil. Constanze Rickmeyer, Sigmund Freud Institute

Information on the study and inclusion at the Sigmund Freud Institute:
Tel: 069 971204-130

Management center Giessen with treatment center in Goettingen
Departments of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy of the Universities of Giessen and Göttingen

Project leaders
Prof. Dr. Falk Leichsenring, University of Giessen
Prof. Dr. Christiane Steinert, University of Giessen, MSB Medical School Berlin

Study Information: Giessen: Ms. Feix (Secretariat):
Tel: 0641 9945661
Admission to the study: Göttingen: Prof. Dr. med. Günter Reich,
Tel: 0551 395501, Fax: 0551 395497