Dr. phil. habil. Lothar Bayer


Since 2010
Member of the academic staff of Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt and Deputy Head of the Out-Patients Clinic

Completion of psychoanalytical training (certified as a DPV/IPA member)

Since 2000
Certified to work as a psychoanalyst

1998 – 2000
Professorial qualification process initiated with a habilitationsschrift on “Die ethische Dimension der Psychoanalyse” (“Psychoanalysis’ Ethical Dimension”). Qualified to lecture as a professor in the field of sociology with a focus on social psychology

Admitted to psychoanalytical training

Awarded a Ph.D. in the Faculty of Social Sciences for a dissertation in the field of psychoanalytic basic research “Repräsentation und Differenz. Zur sprachtheoretischen Rekonstruktion der Psychoanalyse” (“Representation and Difference. On language theory reconstruction in psychoanalysis”)

1987 – 1996
Research associate in the Socialization/Social Psychology Unit in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt

1984 – 1990
Studied Psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt

1975 – 1982
Studied Sociology at Goethe University, Frankfurt

Publications (selection)