Board of directors

Prof. Dr. Vera King
(Executive director)

Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs

Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß
(Head of the medical specialisation and Head of the Outpatient Clinic)

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Wirt-Ing. (FH) Heike Langholz
(Head of Administration)


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Wirt-Ing. (FH) Heike Langholz
(Head of Administration)

Munge Setiana-Heitland

Sandra Bolte

Birgit Kröller

Sonja Helfmann
(Assistance to the Board of Directors and to Prof. Vera King)

Annette Sibert
(Secretariat of the Director Prof. Patrick Meurs)


Hendrik Burmeister (M.A.)

Scientific employers
Scholarship recipients

Irina Dannert
Franziska Heinz
Simon Heyny
Ina Kulić
Alexandra Litinskaya
Maximilian Richter
Tassilo Schuster
Hannes Weidmann
Luisa Wirth

Scientific and student assistants

Ivana-Mathilda Ehrhard
Charlotte Harbers-Naumann
Hannah Heinbuch
Pina Heinen
Sven Patrick Kiel
Fabienne Rauschenplatt
Robin Scholz
Pia Steinhauer
Rosa Teber
Aurelia Uhrig


Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß
(Head of the Outpatient Clinic)

Dr. phil. habil. Lothar Bayer
(Deputy head of the Outpatient Clinic)

Katja Dörr
Sabine Kroll
(Secretariat to the Head of the Outpatient Clinic)


Dr. phil. habil. Lothar Bayer
Dipl. Psych. Reinhard Hildisch
Dr. phil. MSc. Psych. Gesche Janzarik
MSc. Psych. Simon Reutlinger
MSc. Psych. Annabelle Starck
MSc. Psych. Regina Süßmeier

Starthilfe – schloarship recipients project Starthilfe 2023/20224

Professional leadership: Svetlana Radman
Supervision der Stipendiaten: M.A. Gregor Schöbel

Robin Bender-Fuchs
Lea Bernhardt
Patrice-Joel Hedderich
Verena Müller
Yamina Rebia
Hannah Trzebiner-Schmitt

Guest scientists and former scientific employers

PD Dr. Ulrich Bahrke
Dr. Ullrich Beumer
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Busch
Dipl.-Psych. Mahsa Huston
Dipl.-Psych. Magdalena Kuhn
Prof. Dr. Jan Lohl
Dr. Tomas Plänkers
Dr. Eran J. Rolnik
Felix Roßmeißl

Former head of Sigmund-Freud-Institut

Prof. Dr. Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber  (2002 bis 2016)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Haubl   (2004 bis 2016)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Horst-Eberhard Richter  (1992 bis 2002)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Ohlmeier  ( 1985 bis 1992)
Prof. Dr. Hermann Argelander  (1984 bis 1985)
Prof. Dr. Clemens de Boor  (1976 bis 1983)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mitscherlich   (1960 bis 1976)