Prof. Dr. Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber

Ehemalige Leiterin des Sigmund-Freud-Instituts (2002-2016)

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(-> further information)

Doctorate: Philosophical faculty of the University of Zurich
Research scholarship of the German Research Foundation: Sonder­forschungsbereichs 129: Psychotherapeutische Prozesse (University of Ulm)

Research scholarship (Habilitationsstipendium): Breuninger Foundation GmbH Stuttgart1989
Habilitation: Philosophical faculty of University of Zurich1993–1998
Research scholarship Köhler Foundation Darmstadt:
Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences in Dialogue
(with Prof. Dr. M. Koukkou-Lehmann)




Professional Positions and Governance Experience

Professor for Psychoanalysis, University of Kassel

Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis, University of Kassel

Director of the Sigmund-Freud-Institute, Frankfurt am Main

Membership in Professional Societies

Associate Member of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society

Associate Member of the German Psychoanalytical Association

Full Member of German Psychoanalytical Association (DPV)

since 2002
Training analyst of German Psychoanalytical Association (DPV)

since 1975
Member of the Swiss Society of Psychology

since 2002
Member of the Society for Neuro-Psychoanalysis (and the Action Group organizing the annual congresses of this society)

Current Research Fields

Clinical, Conceptual and Empirical Research in Psychoanalysis

Developmental Research (Foci: Early Childhood and Adolescence)

Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences

Empirical studies on Depression and on ADHD

Psychoanalysis and BioethicsEarly Prevention („Outreaching Psychoanalysis“)

Psychoanalytically based working with traumatized refugees

Selected Research Projects (responsible scientific chair and for fundraising)

  • Outcomes of Psychoanalyses and Psychoanalytic Longtermtherapies. A representative follow-up study (the DPV Katamnesestudie)(1997-2004); supported by the DPV, the IPA, the German Research Foundation and private sponsors
  • Ethical Dilemmas Due to Prenatal and Genetic Diagnostics (EDIG): Coordinator of a large  EU project (2005-2008),  project ongoing.
  • Frankfurt Preventionstudy (Frankfurter Präventionsstudie. Prävention und Intervention bei Kindergartenkindern mit psychosozialen Desintegrationsstörungen (insb. ADHS): eine prospektive, repräsentative Studie in Frankfurter Kindertagesstätten) (2003-2008) (Funding: Zinkann Stiftung, Hertie Stiftung, Polytechnische Gesellschaft, SFI, City of Frankfurt) (total funding around € 500 000.-)
  • START HILFE, two years early prevention program in Kindergardens, modification of the Frankfurt Preventionstudy, since 2009 implemented as a constant offer by the City of Frankfurt (supported by the Polytechnische Gesellschaft, Crespo Foundation, Zinkann Stiftung, SFI, City of Frankfurt)
  • Developing Psychoanalytic Practice and Training (DPPT)
Why do medical students and clinical psychologists decide for or against a psychoanalytic training in Germany? )(2004-2009) (supported by the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), Deutschen Psychoanalytischen Gesellschaft(DPV), Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft (DPG
  • Comparative outcome study of psychodynamic compared to cognitive behavioral psychotherapies of children suffering from ADHD (Therapiewirksamkeitsstudie psychoanalytischer Behandlungen von hyperaktiven Kindern (F 3 Diagnosen) (ongoing since 2005)(supported by: Verein Analytischer Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapie, VAKJP), IPA, SFI)
  • The LAC Depressionstudy. A comparative outcome study of psychoanalytical and cognitive behavioral longterm therapies with chronic depressed patients (Wenn chronisch Depressive ihre Therapie wählen. Kurz- und Langzeitwirkungen von psychoanalytischer verglichen mit kognitiv-behavioraler Langzeittherapien bei chronisch Depressiven (ongoping since 2007) (supported by  DGPT, International Psychoanalytical Association, Heidehofstiftung, German Research Foundation, private sponsors)
  • Frankfurt-Cologne-Study Group Treatment of Patients after Strokes („neglect-syndrom“) (1995-2004)(supported by the Sigmund-Freud-Institute )
  • Frankfurt FmRI/EEG Depression Study (FRED): Changes of brain functions during psychoanalytical and cognitive behavrioral longtermtreatments of chronic depressed patient s(ongoing since 2006) (supported by the Hope for Depression Foundation, New York, the Sigmund-Freud-Institut, the German Research Foundation )
  • EVA: Evaluation of two early prevention programs in Kindergartens. Ongoing Research Project since 2009 in the frame of the im IDeA Center for Individual Development and Adaptation of the LOEWE- Landes-Offensive zru Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz (Excellency initiative oft he State of Hessen) (also supported by IPA and SFI)
  • MAKREKI: Mathematical creativity of children-at-risk (Mathematische Kreativität bei Kindern mit schwieriger Kindheit): Ongoing Research Project since 2009 in the frame of the im IDeA
  • KIGRU: Supporting children-at-risk in the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School  (Übergangsprojekt vom Kindergarten zur Grundschule), supported by the Flughafen Foundation, Frankfurt a.M.
  • FIRST STEPS, a Project supporting the integration of families with a mirgant background (ERSTE SCHRITTE: Ein Integrationsprojekt für Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund). Ongoing Research Project since 2011 in the frame of the im IDeA Center, also supported by the Ministery of Hessen and the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF), beim Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, beim Hessischen Ministerium der Justiz, für Integration und Europa, the IPA and private sponsors)
  • JASMIN – ZWISCHEN TRAUM UND TRAUMA. A prevention project for traumatized refugees in Frankfurt. In cooperation with the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Frankfurt and the Anna-Freud-Institut, supported by Aktion Mensch
  • HAND – IN- HAND. A prevention project for traumatized refugees. In cooperation with the Vivantes Klinik, Neukölln supported by Aktion Mensch
  • NEURO-BIND, a study comparing the neurobiological collreates of desorganized and securely attached children. Interdisciplinary study in cooperation with the IDeA Center, supported by the German Research Foundation
  • STEP – BY – STEP, a pilot project for supporting refugees in the „first-reception camp“ Michaelis-Dorf, Darmstadt, supported by the Ministery of Social Affairs, State of Hessen

100 Jahre IPA

International Psychoanalytical Association 1910-2010.
Celebrating the IPA’s Centenary: Contemporary Perspectives on Psychoanalysis (March 27, 2010 in London)

mit einem Vortrag von Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber
-> Psychoanalyse als  „Wissenschaft des Unbewussten“ im ersten Jahrhundert der IPA (PDF-File)

englische Übersetzung
-> Psychoanalysis as a “science of the unconscious” at the IPA centenary (PDF-File)

französische Übersetzung
-> La psychanalyse  en tant que  „science de l’inconscient“ dans le premier siècle d’existence de la IPA (PDF-File)


Honorary interdisciplinary scholarship by the Köhler Foundation fort he Dialogue between Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences 1993-1998

Research Prize of the  International Psychoanalytical Association (received at the Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in New Orleans, März 2004)

Best paper of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis 2003 (received at the Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Rio de Janeiro, Juli 2005)

Recipient of the Mary Sigourney Award 2016
