Research areas – ENGLISH VERSION

The research activities of the Sigmund Freud Institute can be differentiated into four research areas. In all the ongoing projects the SFI tries to take up the specific tradition of this famous institution and to integrate it with challenges of a contemporary psychoanalytic research institute.

Research Area I:
Digitalisation, optimisation and sustainability

Reproductive Timing. Biographical orientations in the context of reproductive medicine
Sub-Project of the DFG Research Group “Medicine, Time, and the Good Life”
Funding: DFG
Head of the Frankfurt sub-project: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe-Univ. & SFI Frankfurt)
Spokesperson of the research group: Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesemann (Univ. Göttingen)
Research assistant: Aaron Thiesen (SFI)
Duration: 05/21 – 04/25
Disciplines represented: Medical Ethics, Medicine, Philosophy, Media Studies, Sociology/Social Psychology

This sub-project examines how normative and practical orientations with regard to timing – the temporal planning and realisation of becoming a parent – are presented in relation to the possibilities of reproductive medicine. The view of medical experts from gynaecology and reproductive medicine is of particular interest.
The overall aim of this project is a sociological-social psychological analysis of the norms of temporality in relation to ideas of a ‚good life‘, ambivalent time-related optimisation imperatives as well as the consequences and meanings for parenthood and reproduction.

The Quantified Life – Productive and Counterproductive Consequences of Quantification in the Digitally Optimizing Society

Speaker of the compound object: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe-Univ. & SFI; speaker),
Prof. Dr. Benigna Gerisch (IPU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa (Univ. Jena)
Research assistants: Dr. Julia Schreiber (Goethe-Univ. & SFI), Micha Schlichting (SFI), Maike Stenger (SFI), Ben Salfeld-Nebgen (IPU) i.a.
Funded by: Volkswagen Foundation, Funding line ‚Key issues for science and society‘
Duration: 02/18 – 12/23

The subject of this transdisciplinary research project are the ambivalent consequences of a quantitative logic of increase and optimization that has gained importance in the course of digitalization. The study examines psychological and social meanings of digital forms of measurement in the field of social media relationships (likes, followers, etc.), body-related self-tracking and performance measurements in the working environment. Methodologically, it is a mixed-methods design with quantitative and qualitative approaches. In addition to standardised surveys, narrative biographical interviews and expert interviews are conducted.

„Remote treatment with children and adolescents“ (ReKi) – consequences of the COVID pandemic for the psychoanalytic treatment of children and adolescents

Scientific lead: Dr. Susanne Benzel (SFI) in cooperation with Alice Graneist (GU, Institute for Psychology)
Funded by: Anna-Freud-Institute/Support association
Duration: from 2020

In the study, psychotherapists will be interviewed about their experiences with remote therapy on the one hand and adolescents and young adults on the other. Overall, we aim to reveal benefits and boundaries of remote treatment.

Completed Projects

Aporias of Perfection in Accelerated Societies. Current cultural change in self-concepts, relationship patterns and body practices (APAS)

Speaker of the compound object: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe-Univ. & SFI; speaker), Prof. Dr. Benigna Gerisch (IPU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa (Jena)
Assisted by: Dr. Julia Schreiber (Goethe-Univ. & SFI), Ben Salfeld-Nebgen (IPU) i.a.
Funded by: Volkswagen Foundation
Duration: 12/12 – 04/18

The interdisciplinary project focused on the meaning and consequences of the increasing optimization of social practices in numerous social environments and with regard to cultural changes of ’normality‘ and ‚pathology‘. In particular, the conflicts and contradictions of optimization requirements and their consequences for relationships, concepts of the self and self-orientated body images were elaborated. Methodologically, this is a mixed-methods design with quantitative and qualitative approaches. In addition to standardised surveys, narrative biographical interviews and expert interviews were conducted.

Biographical ‚Optimization‘ of Parenting through Reproductive Medicine. Changes in family planning and gender meanings

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe-Univ. & SFI; speaker), Dr. Julia Schreiber (Goethe-Univ. & SFI)
Funded by: Equal Opportunities Office of Goethe University Frankfurt and Deanery of Department 03, Funding line ‚Small Gender Projects‘ for the promotion of young researchers
Duration: 10/20 – 12/21

The pilot study explores family planning and meanings of gender and parenthood in the context of growing opportunities to optimize biographical planning and realization of becoming a parent. In particular, motivations and consequences of reproductive medical treatments are analyzed. Attention is also paid to normative orientations in relation to biographical time planning and reproductive medicine.

Gender-Typical Adolescent Presentation of Self and Body in Social Media

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe-Univ. & SFI; speaker), Dr. Susanne Benzel (SFI), Simone Rassmann (Goethe-Univ.)
Student assistants: Jana Kim and Arthur Polunin and the interns Tamara Schwertel and Laila Hamdi
Funded by: Equal Opportunities Office of Goethe University Frankfurt and Dean’s office of the department of Social Sciences, Funding line ‚Small Gender Projects‘ for the promotion of young researchers
Duration: 10/17 – 04/18

The study aimed at scrutinizing adolescents’ gendered presentations of self and body in social media. Of special interest was, first, the tension between the extension and normalization of communication processes in the course of digitization, and, second, youths’ perspectives on the relations of online and offline presentations of self and body.

Research Area II:
Psychosocial consequences of migration and flight

Doctoral Research Program:
»Psycho-Social Impacts of Migration and Flight – Generational Dynamics and Adolescent Processes«

Prof. Dr. Vera King (Speaker): SFI & Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Koller: University Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs: SFI & University Kassel
Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß: SFI & Univ. Tübingen, Robert Bosch Hospital Stuttgart
Project coordination: Dr. Susanne Benzel
Duration: 12/2018 – 06/2024

The doctoral research program aims to explore the psychosocial and psychological meanings and consequences of migration and flight. Taking into account different courses, varying conditions in the countries of origin and societal conditions of the immigration society, typical forms of processing and coping are examined. The research projects in this doctoral program focus on adolescent trajectories and generational dynamics in the context of migration and flight. Perspectives from sociology and psychoanalytical social psychology, educational research on (educational) biographies, child and youth psychology as well as clinical psychoanalysis and psychosomatics are combined in an interdisciplinary way.

Transitional Spaces of Arrival (ÜWA)
Follow-up project to ZA
and VTI

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Assisted by: Dennis Schäfer, Deniz Özkan, Ina Kulić
Funded by: Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration
Duration: 04/23 – 12/25

Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees (PSV)

Project lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Project coordination: Sima Saligheh, Raem Abd-Al-Majeed
Project associates: Corinna Poholski, Dilan Çınar
Association partners: AFI, ERV, FATRA, FPI
Funded by: Hessian Ministry for Labor, Integration, Youth and Social Affairs
Duration: 01/18 – 12/25

Completed Projects

Intervals of arrival – Zwischenräume des Ankommens (ZA-Projekt)
Follow-up project to ‚Loss, trauma and integration Accompanying research on the four centers of psychosocial care for refugees in Hesse‘

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Assisted by: Daeem Ghassan, Dennis Schäfer, Hannah Pauline Ziegler, Rana Zokai
Funded by: Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration
Duration: 01/20 – 03/23

Loss, trauma and integration Accompanying research on the four centers of psychosocial care for refugees in Hesse

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs, Dr. Jan Lohl
Assisted by: Simon Arnold, Andreas Jensen, Rana Zokai
Funded by: Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration
Duration: 08/18 – 12/19

The social and psychological significance of the relationship between professional caregivers and unaccompanied minor refugees in institutional youth care facilities and its effect on integration paths and adolescent development (AUF-2)

Research project leader: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Research assistant and responsible coordinator: Mahsa Huston (SFI)
Funded by: Heidehof Foundation (Heidehof Stiftung GmbH)
Duration: 10/2020 – 09/2021

The primary objective of the project is to explore the formation and development of relationships between professional caregivers and unaccompanied minor refugees in institutional youth care facilities. Specifically, based on subject matter expert interviews, the factors that are relevant for integration processes and adolescent development under the conditions of flight and migration are evaluated. The findings are intended to support youth welfare staff in structuring relationships with these young people and thus contribute to improving their psychosocial well-being and ultimately their social integration

Integration paths and adolescent development of unaccompanied refugee minors in institutional youth care facilities (AUF-1)

Research project leader: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Research assistant and responsible coordinator: Mahsa Huston (SFI)
Funded by: Heidehof Foundation
Duration: 09/17 – 02/19

The project analyses the biographical interplay of psychological developments and social conditions in the context of flight, asylum seeking and reorientation in the immigrant society. Of particular interest are resources, obstacles and integration paths of unaccompanied adolescent refugees. The aim is to define structural and personal factors which act in support of or in obstruction to their integration process and productive psychosocial development. The results will lead to recommendations for the practical work with unaccompanied refugee minors.

Project ‚First-steps‘

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs, Dr. Judith Lebiger-Vogel, Dr. Constanze Rickmeyer
Research associate: Dr. Korinna Fritzemeyer (Berlin) i.a.
Scientific partner: IDeA centre, Anna-Freud-Institute, Vivantes Hospital Neukölln
Funded by: BAMF (2009–2012), Land Hessen (2010–2013), Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung (2008–2016), International Psychoanalytical Association (2011, 2013), BMFSFJ (2012–2015), Aktion Mensch (2015–2018), Rotary Club Berlin (2016) (only Berlin),
World Childhood Foundation (2016–2017), Metzler-Stiftung (2017–2018),
Ursula Ströher Stiftung (2018–2019), Crespo Foundation (2018–2019)
Duration: 2010 – 2020

The FIRST STEPS Project is an early prevention project for families with an immigrant background, aiming at promoting and supporting social integration of infants and toddlers (aged 0–3) in a sustainable way. Two different preventive methods were implemented in Frankfurt/Main and Berlin and are scientifically evaluated in a randomized comparison group design. Short and long-term effects of the prevention offerings A (psychoanalytically trained staff members) and B (layperson-assisted) were being investigated at 6 measurement points.

Research Area III:
Psychotherapy and psychoanalytic conceptual research

Psychodynamic therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder PDT-OCD

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß (SFI & RBK Stuttgart)
Assisted by: Dr. phil. Lorena Asseburg, Annabelle Starck i.a.
Scientific partner: University Hospital Gießen, Prof. Dr. Falk Leichsenring
Funded by: Heidehof Foundation, DGPT
Duration: until 2024

Complementary project on psychodynamic focal therapy for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with a focus on early traumatisation and influence of the current Covid 19 pandemic

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß (SFI & RBK Stuttgart)
Assisted by: Dr. phil. Lorena Asseburg, Annabelle Starck i.a.
Scientific partner: University Hospital Gießen, Prof. Dr. Falk Leichsenring
Funded by: Heidehof Foundation, DGPT
Duration: until 2024

BAPAS – Attachment Trauma in Adoptive and Foster Children – A Psychoanalytic Therapy Study

Scientific lead: Dilan Çınar
Senior Scientist: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Assisted by: Dilan Çınar, Dennis Schäfer
Funded by: IDeA centre
Duration: 07/21 – 12/24

The BAPAS project aims at investigating the effects of a psychoanalytic psychotherapy for adoptive and foster children (Age:7-12 years) with a multiple complex trauma and their adoptive/foster parents with the help of a randomized waiting list control design. Additionally, as part of their extended network the teachers of the children are involved in the intervention.

The BAPAS project is currently in the pilot phase. The main study is expected to start in 2025.

START HILFE – Follow-up project to the Frankfurt prevention study in kindergartens to prevent psychosocial disintegration

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs (SFI & Univ. Kassel) in cooperation with Svetlana Radman, Anna-Freud-Institute
Funded by: City of Frankfurt
Duration: (ongoing)

Completed Projects

MuKiInvestigation of emotional expectation and evaluation processes in children aged 9-11 years

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Tamara Fischmann, Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Project coordination: Felicitas Hug
Assisted by: Tom Degen
Funded by: IDeA centre
Duration: 07/19 – 12/22

SOGREV (Socio-educational group offers & evaluation) – Evaluation of socio-educational group offers for children and young people in outpatient youth welfare

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs, Prof. Dr. Tamara Fischmann
Project coordination: Tom Degen
Research associate: Felicitas Hug
Assisted by: Terry Meyer
Funded by: IDeA centre
Duration: 09/20 – 08/22

NeuroBind – AC. Neuroimaging and Attachment in children with insecure-ambivalent and insecure-avoidant Attachment

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Tamara Fischmann
Assisted by: Margarete Schött
Scientific partner: Goethe University Frankfurt
Funded by: DFG
Duration: until 12/18

OPD (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostic) combined with findings of the LAC-Study

Scientific lead: PD Dr. Ulrich Bahrke
Duration: 2016 – 2019

Post-inpatient aftercare of psycho symtomatic patients – Model project for transition to working life

Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Heinz Weiß with the collaboration of Dr Anna Docter
Project coordination: Dr. Nora Alsdorf
Funded by: Heidehof Foundation
Duration: 2018 – 2019

Research Area IV:
Authoritarianism, antisemitism and consequences of the Nazi era

A Re-measurement of Authoritarian Syndromes in the Context of Digital Media

DFG double project Sigmund-Freud-Institut (SFI) & Institut für Sozialforschung (IfS) Frankfurt/M.
Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Vera King & Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Sutterlüty
Project associates: N.N.
Funded by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Duration: 07/23 – 06/26
[Website under construction]

‚ConTrust‘: Trust in Conflict. Political Coexistence under Conditions of Uncertainty

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Nicole Deitelhoff, Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst
Principal Investigator SFI: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Funded by: State Hesse
Duration: 2021 – 2025  

Experiencing antisemitism in the Third Generation. Reactivation of extreme trauma in descendants of Holocaust survivors

Coordination of the interdisciplinary research network: Dr. Kurt Grünberg
Assisted by: Simon E. Arnold, Lena Dierker
Scientific advisory board: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Network partners: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Monika Schwarz-Friesel (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Sarah Yvonne Brandl (KatHO NRW)
Duration: 08/21 – 07/25

Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Atlantic World

New research focus at the Research School of Human Sciences Bad Homburg
Scientific lead: Prof. Dr. Günter Hellmann und Prof. Dr. Johannes Völz (Goethe-Univ.)
Participant for Social Psychology: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Duration: from 2021

Completed Projects

The Third Generation – Scenic Memory of the Shoah

Scientific lead: Dr. Kurt Grünberg
Assisted by: Simon E. Arnold, Lena Dierker, Tom David Uhlig
Scientific advisory board: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Cooperations partner: Anne Frank Educational Centre
Duration: pilot study: 2017

Scenic Memory of the Shoah. To the transgenerational tradition of extreme traumata in Germany

Scientific lead: Dr. Kurt Grünberg
Co-lead: Dr. med. Friedrich Markert
Doctoral candidates: Jasmin Bleimling, Veronika Heller
Assisted by: Lena Dierker
Funded by: Köhler Foundation (Essen), Crespo Foundation (Frankfurt a. M.), Polytechnic Society Foundation (Frankfurt a. M.)
Duration: 2012 – 2015

Psychoanalytically oriented biography research on right socialization processes in the political „center“

Scientific lead: Dr. Jan Lohl
Funded by: Foundation for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Duration: 01/19 – 01/20