Research Associate
Since 09/2022
Deputy Coordinator at Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, Practice Project
„Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees“
Since 07/2022
Research Associate at Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, Practice Project
„Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees“
Master’s Degree in Sociology (M.A.) at Goethe University Frankfurt
Student Assistant at Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, Practice Project
„Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees“
Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (B.A.) at Goethe University Frankfurt
Student Assistant at Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, Research Project
„AUF-1 – Integration Paths and Adolescent Development of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Institutional Youth Care Facilities“
Student Assistant at Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, Pilot Project
„STEP-BY-STEP for Supporting Refugees in the First Reception Camp »Michaelisdorf« in Darmstadt“
Student Assistant at Goethe University Frankfurt, Library
Art History/Städel and Islamic Studies
Intern at Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, Pilot Project
„STEP-BY-STEP for Supporting Refugees in the First Reception Camp »Michaelisdorf« in Darmstadt“
- Depth-hermeneutic Method
- Psychosocial Help for Refugees
- Critical Theory of the Subject
Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees
Cooperation Partners: AFI, ERV, FATRA, FPI
Direction: Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Funding: Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration
Duration: 01/2018–12/2024
AUF-1 – Integration Paths and Adolescent Development of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Institutional Youth Care Facilities
Direction: Prof. Dr. Vera King
Funding: Heidehof Foundation
Duration: 09/2017–02/2019
STEP-BY-STEP for Supporting Refugees in the First Reception Camp »Michaelisdorf« in Darmstadt
Cooperation Partner: Goethe University
Direction: Prof. Dr. Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber (2016), Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs (2017)
Funding: Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration, others
Duration: 01/2016–04/2017
Abd-Al-Majeed, R., Günther, D. & Schuck, F. (2021): On the Relation of Subject and Object in Participatory Research Approaches [Zum Subjekt-Objekt-Verhältnis in partizipativen Forschungsansätzen]. In: Flick, S. & Herold, A. (Eds.): On the Critique of Participatory Research. Research Practice as Reflected in Critical Theory [Zur Kritik der partizipativen Forschung. Forschungspraxis im Spiegel der Kritischen Theorie]. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 65–87.
Abd-Al-Majeed, R., Berg, P., Brehm, A., Jentsch, S., Kaufhold, C., Monecke, M., Schwertel, T. & Witzel, H. (2020): Scene and Affect. The Significance of the Group in the Depth-hermeneutic Method [Szene und Affekt. Die Bedeutung der Gruppe in der Tiefenhermeneutik]. In: Humans. Journal for Living, Learning and Working Together [Menschen. Zeitschrift für gemeinsames Leben, Lernen und Arbeiten], Volume 43, Issue 4/5, pp. 25–29.
22.09.2023 – Organization and Moderation (with Sima Saligheh): 4. Annual conference »My Work and Me- Me and my Work. Encounters with old and new male roles in the context of flight« [»Ich und meine Arbeit – Meine Arbeit und Ich. Begegnungen mit alten und neuen Männerrollen im Kontext von Flucht«], Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt
05.05.2023 – Workshop (with Charlie Kaufhold): „Research Materials and Epistemological Interests of the Depth-hermeneutic Method“ [„Forschungsmaterialien und Erkenntnisinteressen der Tiefenhermeneutik“] 1. Annual conference »Drive and Method. Psychoanalytical perspectives in qualitative research« [»Trieb und Methode. Psychoanalytische Perspektiven in der qualitativen Forschung«], International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
Summer Term 2024
Lecturer at University Insbruck, Block Seminar „Introduction to Psychoanalytic Social Pschology in the German-speaking area“
Summer Term 2021
Student Assistant at Goethe University Frankfurt, Research Seminar
„Sociological Perspectives on Practices and Politics of Remembrance“ (with Luki Schmitz)
1st place of the „IPA in the Community and the World Awards“ 2023 in the category „Violence“ for the SFI project „Psychosocial Association Rhine-Main – Help for Refugees“
Society on Psychoanalytic Social Psychology, Board member