Luisa Wirth


Since 2021
PhD project on the meaning of migration experiences for subjective illness theories of adolescents with a borderline personality disorder as part of the Doctoral research program „Psycho-social impacts of migration and flight – generational dynamics and adolescent developments

2019 – 2020
Working as a coach at an educational provider in Offenbach

2016 – 2019
Masters Degree in Psychology (M.Sc.) at the University Klagenfurt/Celovec (Austria) with a focus on clinical psychology and gender studies

Internship for the Masters Degree at the Department of Psychoanalysis of Prof. Dr. Tilmann Habermas at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Voluntary internship for 6 months at the City University of London in qualitative psychology research of Prof. Dr. Carla Willig

2012 – 2016
Bachelors Degree in Psychology at the University Potsdam and the Free University Berlin

Internship for the Bachelors Degree at the Institute for Traumatherapy Berlin

2011 – 2012
Studies of Publishing and Communication Sciences at the Free University of Berlin

Research interests

  • Qualitative research methodology: interpretative phenomenological analysis, psychoanalytic text interpretation, grounded theory
  • Psychoanalytic research
  • Participatory research approaches
  • Transgenerational dynamics & trauma transmission
  • Migration & discrimination
  • Subjective illness theories

Research projects

  • Doctorate in the doctoral programme „Psychosocial consequences of migration and flight – generational dynamics and adolescent developments“ on the topic of „Subjective theories of illness in adolescent migrants of the first and second generation with borderline personality problems“.
  • Master’s thesis at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec on „Transgenerational transmission of traumatisation among Carinthian Slovenes“.
  • Metasynthesis as part of an internship at City University, London, on the topic of „The lived experience of terminally ill cancer patients“.


Wirth, L. (2023): Subjektive Krankheitstheorien zur eigenen Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstruktur im Kontext der Lebens- und Migrationsgeschichte in der Adoleszenz. In: Benzel, S., King, V., Koller, H.-C., Meurs, P. & Weiß, H. (Hg.): Adoleszenz und Generationendynamik im Kontext von Migration und Flucht. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (im Druck).

Willig, C., & Wirth, L. (2019): Liminality as a dimension of the experience of living with terminal cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care, 17(3), 333-337. doi:10.1017/S1478951518000536.

Willig, C., & Wirth, L. (2018): A meta-synthesis of studies of patients’ experience of living with terminal cancer. Health Psychology, 37(3), 228-237.